artist ~ poet             aqua art ideas

Heidi C.J.Hallett

​                        Introduction

        I chose the title, "Magic Lamp, Pillar and Comet," from one of the included poems to allude to the multiple facets that life can take on. These poems explore some of those varied angles. I find that poetry can distill our thoughts and help to focus them, acting as a companion through the navigation of life’s many dimensions. My hope is that you will find a relatable stanza or a chance for interesting contemplation within this chapbook as well.

Magic Lamp, Pillar and Comet is available in paperback.

​                        Introduction

        This chapbook was created as part of a Haiku poetry challenge.  I enjoyed the way the succinct Haiku format brought focus to observations along with a special appreciation of our everyday surroundings.  The title, Queen Anne's Lace, is found within the collected poems and refers to the "casual beauty" that is all around us.  The Queen Anne's Lace flower also symbolizes "haven" or "sanctuary," and I like to think of poetry as a safe place to examine our world and try to make sense of it all.  Thank you for taking the time to join in on the experience.

Queen Anne's Lace is available in paperback.


       This chapbook was created as part of a poetic memoir challenge. I found that recording and examining the past through poetry helped to ground the present by putting things into perspective and clarifying what is truly important. Even small bits of history can open a window of insight into relationships whether humorous or more serious. I hope you enjoy some of the scenarios presented in this collection.

Memory Echoes ​is available in paperback.